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How to Play webGL Games on Latest FireFox

Since the latest update on Mozilla Firefox, it is no longer possible to run WebGL offline on your desktop PC or laptop. However, a solution is available.

How can I tell if WebGL is enabled in my browser?
    Perform a simple WebGL test, such as the one at

To enable WebGL, please follow these steps:
    1. Launch the Firefox web browser and enter about:config in the URL bar. Click on the “Accept the Risk and Continue” button.
    2. Search for webgl.disabled
  3. Confirm that the value is set to false (any modifications will take effect immediately without the need to restart Firefox). If the value is true, you can change it to false by clicking on it.

Then, inspect the status of WebGL.
    1. Navigate to about:support
    2. Scroll down to the Graphics section.
    Examine the WebGL 2 Renderer row in the Graphics table:
    • If the status contains a graphics card manufacturer, model, and driver (eg: “NVIDIA Corporation — NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine”), then WebGL is enabled.
    • If the status is something like “Blocked for your graphics card because of unresolved driver issues” or “Blocked for your graphics driver version”, then your graphics card/driver is blacklisted.

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